School. One word that can bring so much stress to a person. From personal experience, I have said goodbye to many hairs strands and good night sleeps. All because I wasn’t keeping track of everything I had on the go. By doing that I wasn’t leaving myself enough time to get everything done. So over the past year, I have begun to organize my life effectively and I have seen such a difference. Especially in my mental health, and overall just in my well being. So from one student to another, here are some tricks to stay organized in school.
Classes and Teachers
Class and teachers are your best resources when it comes to your education. So making sure you actually show up for the class is key, no matter how tired! Because it will be harder, in the long run, to catch up on the missed work than to actually attend. Alongside that, be engaged in the class it will make studying much easier at home. And teachers know when you are engaged and will be more likely to help you if you have questions. But also because your teachers will notice and take note of it when grading. It could mean the difference between an A and B.
Teachers are also your best resource when it comes to your grade. So make sure you talk to them before each major test to get an update on your grade. Mainly so you know what you need to aim for or whether or not you are tittering between two grades. And also let them know if you are missing class a few days in advance. This way they can get you any material you may be missing.
Alongside that, they are also key components to university applications, your recommendations. So make sure you are on good terms with your teachers. Because you will be more likely to get a more meaningful letter for your applications.
At my school, I spend about 4-5 hours after school doing homework, and sometimes during the day. So making sure I remember everything I need to do for homework is critical. I do that by having an agenda, I am a visual learner so it helps when I can see the tasks I have in front of me. Whether it is written on your phone, an agenda, or even on the inside your locker door. It will help keep track of everything you have to get done. Even jotting down, due dates, tests, and social events will help you stay organized. Especially if they are all in one place.
Since I have so much homework during the week, having designated time for studying helps me stay on track. It also lets me plan other activities around my homework. For example, you could complete your math homework from 4 – 5:30 with a 15 min break, then start that biology lab at 5:45 – 7. By using this trick, it will also allow you to pace yourself. And so you don´t do too much of one subject and forget about doing the other tasks.
Note Taking
Note taking is a great way to dissect the information that is being presented to you. By putting the class lessons into your own words it will allow you to make connects in your brain. This will make the concept easier to remember in the long run. This is why you that you need to stay on top of your notes. When I note take I try my best to make them appealing to look at. Mainly because I will be more likely to look at them again. One thing I love to do on my notes is color coding, giving each color a meaning (ex. Blue = dates, Orange = People, Pink = Quotes, Green = Events) which you can see on my Stationery Supplies.
Overall, those are just a few of my tips to really get the most out of your school year, and how to stay on top of it. A teacher once told me that school is like the buffet, you can load your plate with so many things but as long as you can balance it to your table it is not too much. How to stay full not stuffed can really make or break your school year!
If you guys have any other tips and tricks for school or just life, in general, leave them down below!
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